Could your community group benefit from one of the leaders of our church coming to lead a discussion on a specific topic?
Here is curated a list of topics available for you to request from. If you would like a request a topic or two, just send an email to Kori at including 1 or 2 desired topics and the date range you are considering. Please include the day, time, and address of your group and a description of the dynamics of how your group time would function that week. Once we receive that request, we will assign one of our leaders to teach that week. They will then get in contact with you and coordinate with you from that point forward.
Love God - How to Read the Bible
- Story of the Bible. Genres of literature. Corporate & Personal Bible Reading.
Love God - Prayer
- Communion with God, Prophetic Prayer, Intercessory Prayers.
Love God - Worship
- Why Worship? What is Liturgy? Personal Worship.
Love God - Intro to Christian Spiritual Disciplines
- Reading, Prayer, Fasting, Solitude, etc.
Love God - Theology
- Gospel, Trinity, Who is Jesus? Salvation. End Times.
Love People - What is Church?
- What makes a church? Sacraments, Why do we gather?
Love People - Community Groups
- Community Group Rhythms, Discipleship, How to Care for Others
Love People - Relationships
- Marriage, Parenting, Singleness, Friendship
Love People - Identity
- Identity in Christ, Gender/Sexuality, Sin/Wounds/Weakness
Love People - The Marginalized
- Orphan, Widow, Immigrant, Refugee, Homelessness, Mental Health
Push Back Darkness - Evangelism & Mission
- Evangelism, Mission, City Engagement, 3rd Space, Neighboring
Push Back Darkness - Spiritual Gifts - 2 Weeks
- Do the spiritual gifts still exist today? What are they and why do they matter? Speaking in tongues. Healing.
Push Back Darkness - Community Group Multiplication
- Multiplication & Apprenticeship
Push Back Darkness - Apologetics
- Difficult Passages, Doubt, Skepticism
Push Back Darkness - Kingdom of God
- Culture, Post-Christian Society, Hope, Heaven & Hell