In 2017 we saw people respond with faithful generosity and God provide three new bases for mission in Shawnee, South OKC, and Edmond. These three buildings have allowed for greater missional impact in our cities. People have been baptized, children have heard the Gospel in new spaces, and the darkness has been pushed back because of the response of Gods people. Thank you, Frontline Church.
In 2018, we will be stepping into Phase 2 of Missional Movement; this phase will focus on renovating the Education Space at Frontline Downtown.
As we look toward the future, we view the fully restored 100-year-old cathedral and the Education Space as a crucial tool for seeing people reached for Jesus for the next 100 years.
In the Education Space, we want to provide a place for kids to hear about Jesus as they grow up, a place that’s safe and incredibly fun, a place where they can also see their friends meet Jesus, a place where they will learn to love God, love people, and push back darkness.
Our current space limits what we can do to serve kids, but the Education Space will enable us to pursue a stronger, wider-reaching, city-impacting family ministry. Our desire is to see the mission of God in Oklahoma City live on well beyond our lifetimes, and we believe making this space come alive is part of passing Frontline Church to the next generation.
The Education Space
By renovating this five-story, 12,000-square-foot area, it will be possible for us to grow from our current 1,300 average attendance to a maximum of 2,500 people using the same service times. It will allow us to grow from reaching 160 children each Sunday, to reaching 700 children in the same weekly timeframe! The impact we are able to have during the week due to space for Mother’s Day Out, training classes, and other family events will be amazing, too.
While the children enjoy their new Education Space, we want to develop a space that will be used to teach and train leaders in our church and city. By turning the current children’s area into a larger gathering space, we will finally have the room we need to do just that. There will be “For the City” symposiums that will train medical professionals, parents, those in military and law enforcement, teachers, and business leaders to lead change, not only in the city, but for the good of the Kingdom of God.
To do this well and to restore the cathedral we will need to replace our old HVAC units, install new carpet in the sanctuary, fix the front steps of the building, and do many other repairs that will help us restore the entire property for all the use it will provide in years to come.
The Plan
t will cost an estimated $2,546,000 to renovate the Education Space and reset the current children’s space. The repairs to the cathedral and the furnishings needed will be an estimated $454,000, for a total of $3,000,000.
We’ve broken this project down into three phases.
Phase 1. 1MM
Get the Education Space completely dried in and ready for construction with the necessary repairs to the roof, the brick, and putting in new windows. This will give us the canvas to move into phase two.
Phase 2. 1 MM
Fire suppression, new electrical service, and elevator installation.
Phase 3. 1 MM
Building all the walls and furnishing the Education Space and the work that needs to be completed in the Cathedral to finish out Missional Movement.